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Religious and Spiritual

Churn The Ocean Within for Divali

lakshmi maaLight and Lakshmi assume central focus at Divali celebrations worldwide as the prayer “Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya” rents the air together with our pleas to the divine Mother, “Lead me from darkness to light, O Maa.”

This inner craving for light, though much more espoused at Divali, is the perennial search by humans as we strive to achieve the state of realisation of our own Divinity. In countless ways we seek to have Maataa Lakshmi appear in our lives just as she did when the ocean of milk was churned by the Devtas and danavas. In like manner we too must face our own battles between the forces of good and evil by churning the unconscious within. By harnessing the ego, as was the snake Vasuki, according to mythology, we need to constantly journey on the path of self-restraint and positive virtues, never for a moment relinquishing our efforts in the face of challenges and misfortunes.

With firm belief, perseverance and an unwavering adherence to the pillars on which Sanatan Dharma stands, we plant our feet on the solid rock of our faith and never turn back. Of course, the constant company of Divinity will ensure that the task, though daunting at times, will be accomplished. Such was the role of Bhagavan Vishnu, who assumed the form of Koorma, the tortoise in the ocean. No stranger to truth, no dereliction of duty, no dilution of faith do we subscribe to amidst the stormy ocean. With resilience, solid integrity and enthusiasm and armed with the mountain of mental advancement, we churn deep into the inner recesses of our hearts. We seek the light of Divinity. We yearn for that realisation of “I am Brahman!”

Though the road may seem long, with disappointment and dismay making the churning process an uphill task, it is worthwhile to note that adversity is really a trial of principles and often brings out the true spirit and character of man. This is clearly seen in the deeya that withstands the strong breeze that wafts its way through the cold night air. Despite its challenges, the tiny flame emanating from two or three wicks continues to bring light to the darkened world. In like manner, our vision of light should never be allowed to be thwarted by spells of gloom, but instead, be used to transform the darkness around us. Indeed, achieving the victory of good over evil depends to a great extent on inner fortitude and courage.

With time, effort, sacrifice and surrender to the Lord, this churning process ends. The goal is attained with the appearance of the Divine Mother within. Light triumphs! The innate craving is satiated as light magnifies the awareness of the ever-present divinity within. Agyaan or ignorance with its companions of attractions, dislikes, egoism and the fear of death all fade into oblivion. The consuming darkness of indigence, hunger, anger, material cravings, delusion, cruelty and strife makes way for wealth, both material and spiritual, power, knowledge, wisdom and prosperity. Such transformation facilitates the transcending of the nights of anger, death and delusion. Siddhi-daayani, the bestower of Success, Lakshmi Maataa, assures all Her children of unbounded wealth and prosperity. May each of us experience that close, ever near presence of Lakshmi Maataa in our hearts. May our land be blessed by Her bounties.

Shubh Divali.

1 Comment

  1. sudha

    Shubh Divali Guriji, Mothers Blessings To You Always,for always sending us all the powerful knowledge and teachings of our scriptures,it is greatly appreciated,taken to heart and spread around the world.