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Religious and Spiritual

The Spiritual Odyssey: Fulfilling the Purpose of Human Birth

From a satsang with Pt. Umadutt Maharaj, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Bhakti Jyot Mandali


In the vast epic of creation, where 8,400,000 species weave their existence, the human form emerges as the zenith. It is a realm where consciousness melds with decision making, a pivotal evolution defined by the nature of our choices. To traverse the corridors of life, we must possess discerning power—vivek—to distinguish right from wrong, good from bad, negative from positive, and the real from the unreal.


Life, akin to a windblown leaf, should not be traversed idly. Shree Raam encourages us to comprehend the purpose of our human form and conscientiously fulfil its duties and responsibilities. Amidst the city of our bodies, dwell lower tendencies—anger, hate, greed, avarice, jealousy, etc.—acting as barriers to our true purpose. The imperative task is to uproot these negativities.


How, then, do we cleanse the city of the mind? Shree Ram guides us to develop affection for the feet of the Lord, to attach ourselves to divinity like a perennial stream connected to its source. Devotion becomes the cleansing current that prevents the stream from running dry, fostering a continuous flow.


The transmigration of the soul looms in everyone’s future, where gaining the human form is both a gift and a responsibility. The body is our offering to the Divine. Neglecting this gift leads to a descent on the ladder of creation, necessitating numerous sacrifices to regain the human form. The stories of the sage, Kaak Bhushund, transformed into a bird, and the celestial beings reborn as trees, underscore the consequences of disrespecting divinity.


Taking the human form for granted is perilous; the inner sanctum must not succumb to dominance by negativities. Daily immersion in knowledge and divine wisdom, becomes a ritualistic cleanse. The internal light of wisdom must arise, dispelling the ignorance within, and the match that lights it is introspection. Scriptures, the timeless blueprints of life gifted by sages, become our guide. By following them, we elevate ourselves daily. Introspection, a silent dialogue with oneself, becomes the compass for spiritual progress.


Cleansing the mind is an ongoing process, a prerequisite for savouring the essence of devotion and attaining self-realisation. “Aham Brahmasmi”—I am part of the Divine—is the realisation that unveils our true nature. It is an experiential communion with divinity, understanding the authentic purpose of life and fulfilling the sacred duty of human birth.


The wisdom of Shree Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita echoes: act without expectation. Detached from the fruits of actions, we find fulfilment. Life becomes a meaningful journey, guided by a pure heart and mind. In this state, where expectation dissipates, everything seeks us.


As we traverse life’s journey, let us anchor ourselves to divinity, recognizing the transient nature of all else. Thus, we discover the eternal essence of existence, perpetually evolving along the spiritual odyssey.