Hindu non-profit organisation

Religious and Spiritual

The Eternal Quest for Light

From a satsang by Paramacharya of SWAHA, H.H. Pt. Hardeo Persad


Amidst the vibrant celebrations of Divali around the globe, a resonating prayer fills the air, Om Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya, inviting us to journey from darkness to light, guided by our entreaties to the Divine Mother, “Lead me from darkness to light, Maa.”


The yearning for light, though prominently highlighted during Divali, mirrors the perpetual pursuit of humanity to realise its divine essence. In myriad ways, we aspire to welcome Lakshmi Maa into our lives, reminiscent of her appearance during the churning of the ocean of milk by the Devas and demons.


Much like the ancient myths, we too must confront our internal battles, where the forces of good and evil wage war within the depths of our unconscious. We must harness the ego, akin to the serpent Vasuki, on the path of self-restraint and virtuous living, unwavering in the face of challenges and misfortunes. With steadfast belief, perseverance and an unwavering commitment to the foundations of Sanaatan Dharma, we must firmly anchor ourselves in the foundation of our faith. The constant companionship of Divinity guarantees success, akin to Bhagavan Vishnu’s role as Koorma, the tortoise in the ocean.


While the road may appear long, adversities reveal the true spirit and character of humanity. Much like the resilient deeya enduring the cold night’s breeze, our vision of light must not succumb to darkness but instead radiate to transform the world. Through time, effort, sacrifice and surrender to the Lord, the churning process culminates with the appearance of the Divine Mother within. Light prevails, and the innate craving is satisfied, as awareness of the divinity within magnifies.


As ignorance and its companions fade into oblivion, the consuming darkness of material cravings, delusion and strife gives way to prosperity, wisdom and spiritual wealth. Siddhi-daayani, the bestower of success, Lakshmi Maa, graces Her children with unbounded blessings of wealth and prosperity. May each of us be enveloped by the eternal presence of Lakshmi Maa in our hearts, and may our land be enriched both spiritually and materially by her abundant blessings.