Hindu non-profit organisation

SHC Students' Articles, SWAHA News and Views

Swaha Tops Again!

For many years, students at Swaha Hindu College have been successful at the annual competitions hosted by the BPTT, and this year was no different. Teachers and students from the college recently attended an awards ceremony hosted by the BPTT. These students were awarded individual and school prizes for their outstanding performance in this annual environmental competition. The students showed distinction in the following categories:

Essay Writing

1st place: Vidal Ramdass

2nd place: Kelsey Ramlakhan



1st place: Rayon Ramoutarsingh

2nd place: Nirvala Ramnarine


Participants: Kelsey Ramlakhan, Richard Ramoutar, Kyle Goolcharan, Nirmala Persad and Varuna Kistow. (2nd place)

Mention must also be made of the teachers who worked diligently with these students during lunch time sessions, non-teaching periods and after school in some cases. Science teacher, Mr. Amarnath Maharaj; English Department, Ms. Cheriez Lucas, Mrs. Sunita Maharaj and Mrs. Anilla Motilal; and Visual Arts Department, Supria Deonanan.

When the students were asked about their feelings about their successes, it was a commonly expressed by the participants that the preservation of nature is something close to them, hence their passion led to their success. Their feelings reflect one of the many important principles of Sanaatan Dharma, which is the preservation of Dharti Maa!

Congratulations to all members of staff and students for an outstanding job!