SHC Graduation Ceremony 2011

On Thursday 7th July 2011, the administration and staff of SWAHA Hindu College celebrated with over 100 CAPE and CSEC graduates and their parents at the 6th graduation ceremony. It was indeed a very exciting and emotional day for all who were present as our industrious students were leaving our esteemed institution and stepping into a world of new emotions, experiences and encounters. However, our well-applauded valedictorians, Medha Dial of Form 5 and Cherisse Bobb of Form 6, indicated that they were all well-armed to face this new stage of their life as they had been equipped with the necessary morals, values, culture, work ethic and personalities to be successful, patriotic citizens.
In the beautifully decorated graduation hall, students from the college sang, danced and played musical instruments to honour the graduates and entertain their parents. Also in attendance were representatives from the Ministry of Education and Member of Parliament for the region of Sangre Grande, who expressed their pleasure at the school’s performance and contribution to the Northeastern District and promised their continuous support towards the school. In addition, awards for academic and cultural excellence, as well as a citizen’s award for outstanding work in assisting the school and community, were presented to the students.
One highlight of the ceremony was the overwhelming gratitude and love of a parent, Mrs. Harrikissoon, which was directed to the administration, staff and her daughter. After making a very moving speech which showed the love and admiration she had for her child, she sang a song in honour of her daughter that led many parents and students to tears. This was indeed a wonderful end to the graduation ceremony of the SWAHA family.
Best wishes are extended to all students who will be leaving the hallowed portals of this school, an institution that sustained them in many ways for five or seven years. May they continue to build their lives on the strong foundation cemented by the values they acquired at SWAHA Hindu College.

Here are some pictures from SHC’s Graduation Ceremony 2011. The pictures have been separated into 3 albums
1. The Graduation Ceremony
2. Form 5 Individual Awards and Certificates
3. Form 6 Individual Awards and Certificates
Click on the thumbnails to launch the albums

The Graduation Ceremony

Form 5 Individual Awards and Certificates

Form 6 Individual Awards and Certificates


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