Hindu non-profit organisation

Religious and Spiritual

Journey into Divinity: The Spiritual Gifts of Navraatri

From a satsang with Pt. Balram Persad, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Om Shakti Mandali


In the sacred period of Navraatri, devotees worldwide converge in a collective contemplation of the myriad manifestations of the Divine Mother. While our earthly mothers have given us physical existence, it is the Divine Mother who bestows upon us the essence of life itself. As we embark on the spiritual journey, seeking an understanding of self, life and living, we turn to the profound wisdom enshrined in our scriptures. These sacred texts, revered as Ved Maataa, not only nourish our spirits but are acknowledged as a form of the Divine Mother.


Much like the indispensable gifts bestowed by Mother Nature—trees, plants and watercourses—sustain us, Ganga Maataa and Gow Maata symbolise the divine presence on Mother Earth. Beyond these, numerous other forms of the Divine Mother grace our lives. In contemplating the dynamics of a home, we find parallels in the roles played by its components: the foundation representing the mother, the roof embodying the father, and the doors and windows symbolizing the children. Together, they construct not just a physical abode but a sanctuary for a family to flourish.


The Divine Mother, personified as Devi, epitomises shakti or energy. Durga, translating to ‘that which is very difficult to attain”, paradoxically signifies ‘that which is easy to attain’. The distinction lies in the individual’s attitude, knowledge, experience, maturity and wisdom. Just as the sun and rain graciously shower their blessings upon all, the effulgence of Devi Maa shines universally, albeit with varying impacts on different places and people.


Lakshmi Maa manifests as the epitome of various forms of wealth, encompassing not only material possessions but also health, stable relationships and spiritual affluence. Saraswati Maa, is traditionally associated with knowledge and the arts. Together they represent Icchaa Shakti, Gyaan Shakti and Kriyaa Shakti — willpower, right knowledge and right action, eventually embodied by Kaali Maa, symbolising the achievement of the right results.


There are four Navraatris annually, with the two post Pitra Paksha and Phagwa generally observed in Trinidad. February welcomes Maagha Gupta Navraatri, also providing a unique opportunity for spiritual elevation and self-discovery. These auspicious occasions remind us of our spiritual essence and the transcendental nature of the Divine, surpassing boundaries of gender, race, colour and religion. It is humanity that imbues divinity with its hues, projecting imperfections onto a perfect entity.


Navraatri spans nine days of fasting, tailored to individual health conditions. During this time, focus on the Divine Being in the form of Devi is essential. Mental equanimity, cultivated through lighting deeyas, performing havan, mantra jap, stotras, stuthis, offerings and acts of charity, accentuates the spiritual experience. According to the Devi Bhagwat, these observances yield multifaceted benefits:


  1. Sukha Daayak: Bestowing happiness upon the devotee.
  2. Gyaan Daayak: Granting sight, insight, knowledge, and vision for transformative wisdom.
  3. Moksha Daayak: Liberating from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, along with the bondage of sin and suffering.
  4. Sukh Santan Daayak: Fulfilling sincere desires, tailored to each seeker.
  5. Shatru Nash Kari: Conquering not only external enemies but, more importantly, internal adversaries.


In the spirit of humility, we acknowledge that our best efforts in life must harmonise with the Divine’s plan. Amidst adversity, opposition and life’s challenges, faith becomes our anchor. The Hindu scriptures echo tales of downtrodden souls who, akin to the lotus flower, rose above adversity. Blessed by Devi Maa, we find the strength to protect our way of life, values, traditions, religious beliefs and practices.


Knowledge and devotion become our divine guides on the path to spiritual experiences, emphasising the crucial role of earnest effort in this transformative journey. May the grace of Devi Maa illuminate our paths, leading us to profound spiritual realisation and an enriched life.