Hindu non-profit organisation

Social and Cultural

Indian Arrival Day Poetry

Nurturing The Hindu Culture

In this time where evil lurks near,
We must understand as Hindus
Praarthnaa will combat all fear.
For our Bhagvan,
Will free us from the shackles of despair
Aur reenergize hope for a better din,
A better mas, a better saal.

Our culture is in need,
In need of someone to steer the ship
Our values hold precedence to our character
Character shapes our destiny.
From India we came as labourers,
In Bhagvan we trusted, our scriptures we acclaim
Our practices we followed: the Hindu way of life we live.

Now times are changing but our culture must stay
We must lift the banner of Hinduism I say,
Through the dark ages ka aaj
The responsibility is ours, tum aur mai both:
Bhai aur bahin, mata aur pita.
Our culture is our hope: to lose hope is to give up.
We will not dismiss our duty.

Jaisa karna waisa bharnee.
We will plant rich seeds in our characters
Nourish it with understanding aur manners,
Aur it will surely, blossom in our future.
Sanskriti samridhi sama nidhi
The wealth of our culture lies in:
Maintaining our values.

We need to harvest our capabilities,
Use it together as ek
Work to our full abilities
Aur live to enrichen our culture
Prem ki pariwar aur worship ko pitris
Our culture depends on it
Haa! sanskriti samridhi sama nidhi.

By Varun Ramadhar, SWAHA Dharma Jyot Mandir

Save Our Tradition

What is going on in our world today?
Have we no morals and no values, O bache?
Their sacrifices have been forgotten
And our land is home to downtrodden.
Hamaare man, easily tarnished
Achha karam kamaai, all banished
Our people have gone astray
And our ancestors, we continue to betray.

We have been guided with wisdom that is set
We owe it to our ancestors to repay our debt
Be grateful for our tradition
Yeh hum kul ke Santan!
Stand proud but remain humble
Good teachings are always simple
Go back to our scriptures and seek the truth
Study doha aur katha and guide our youth

Honour your traditions and do not denigrate
The values in our society we must regenerate
Do not forget the past and clean up our Karma
Do what is right and practice your Dharma
Oh my children let us all be thankful
For the path that has been paved for us, let us all be grateful
Let us stand together and proudly say,
Dhanya Dhanya Vaad De!

By Amrika Seepersad-Reemaul, SWAHA Sri Raam Dhaam

The Past Generation

My Mother recently told me, a kahani
About the arrival of my Aja and my Ajie
She also mentioned some details about my dear Nana and Nani
You see, many years ago
A historical event occurred,
They all arrived by the boat loads,
As their voices would now be heard.
They settled all over Trinidad and Tobago, separated from each other.
But no matter what, they still cared for one another, their brotherhood continued
Towards the end and their love and friendship had no end.

I remembered all the messages they left with my Mother
To remind the next generation, of what they stood for.
They told her to be truthful and pure and live for one another.
It was only by their hard labour, their children did not suffer.
I could still remember the smell I was getting, as they were preparing
the talkarie in the kitchen!
The atmosphere was warm and inviting as they held their daily panchite.
They shared memories of their journey, parampara, fine traditions.

They dressed in their sundar capras and sang hindi geets
United by arranged marriages under the bamboo, and stayed in love you see.
They remained faithful to each other no matter the disparity.
You see these traditions have instilled strong values that will remain with me.
I will live to tell my children about my past generation,
who went through indentureship to clear the pathway for me.
Without them it would have been a lost generation
No one to fight for us and give us sound advice.
I now salute you! purvaj for leaving us the template of a good life .

By Patricia B. Nanan, Teacher/Administrator, SWAHA Sangre Grande ECCE Centre