Hindu non-profit organisation

Religious and Spiritual

Cultivating a Life of Resilience: Truths from Nature’s Wisdom

From a satsang with SWAHA Pt. Dr. Umesh Persad


Embracing the dawn of a new year, we find ourselves drawn to the prospect of new beginnings, the appeal of renewal and the crafting of resolutions. By contemplating the elaborate mysteries of nature, we can discover profound truths mirrored in our own lives that can assist us along the path.


The growth of a tree is one such analogy. In the grand narrative of life, we are akin to seeds awaiting cultivation. As the seed takes root and burgeons into a majestic tree, so too must we learn to flourish in the soil of our present circumstances. Acceptance becomes the fertile ground from which happiness springs forth; wherein we acknowledge our situation without yielding to stagnation. This nuanced acceptance is not a passive surrender but a mindful acknowledgment, an ability to discern both the shadows and the light, and to navigate forward.


Much like the attentive gardener tending to a plant’s needs, we endeavour to nurture our growth with care. Yet, do we truly govern this growth, or does it unfold guided by an inherent intelligence? Our efforts may set the stage, but the subsequent unfurling is a mysterious dance beyond our orchestration.


We must extend this nurturing spirit beyond oneself; create an environment conducive to the growth of those around us. As the tree firmly roots itself in the earth, so too must we anchor ourselves amidst the fluctuating winds of life — the ephemeral gusts of joy, sorrow, pleasure, pain, honour, disgrace, praise and blame. In the constant flux, there still exists an eternal core within us.


Observe how a plant instinctively reaches towards the sunlight, just as we humans emerge from the shadows of materialism towards the effulgence of spirituality. In moments of despondency, we can emulate the benevolent tree by engaging in acts of kindness towards others, and witness the reciprocal enhancement of our own mental wellbeing. We must learn the noble lessons of service to others and self-sacrifice.


In our pursuit of a meaningful life, five aspirations emerge: Firstly, the pursuit of knowledge is perpetual, transcending the limits of our cerebral capacity. Yet, true understanding lies in knowing our authentic selves — the wellspring of all wisdom. Secondly, the universal yearning for happiness often misdirects us towards external pursuits. Authentic happiness emanates from within, transforming every endeavour into a joyous expression. Thirdly, the quest for independence craves mental liberation, as true freedom transcends the confines of body and worldly constraints. The desire for control, our fourth pursuit, yields to the profound truth that the cosmic dance of existence unfolds through the universal Self. Finally, the innate aversion to mortality is quelled by the realisation that our immortality resides in a form beyond the corporeal.


In essence, to truly flourish in the theatre of life, we must embrace growth in every circumstance, anchor ourselves in spiritual resilience amidst adversity, accept the uncontrollable currents of existence, and seek the radiant illumination of spirituality and positivity. In moments of despondency, extend a helping hand to others, and therein find solace. These, indeed, are the guiding principles of a life exquisitely lived.