Hindu non-profit organisation

Social and Cultural

An Enlightened Perception on Mother’s Day.


Sita Ram Devotees,

Permit me to share with you a few enlightened words. As this is the occasion of Mother’s Day it is self-evident that in today’s world we not only celebrate “the women who are mothers by biology” but also the women who have assumed the role of mother figure in the household and community.

This is true as we explore the holy scripture of the Ramayan. It is understood that the three queens of King Dharashtra were not only Mothers but were instrumental in the household and community life of the kingdom. Even Devi Sita carried out her role as a mother passing on the values to her children.

As such, with reference from our scriptures I believe that the role of ALL women must also be given equitable praise and gratitude on such an auspicious occasion. I call this the enlightened perception of mothers.

We know that the role of motherhood can be inferred from the care, comfort, discipline and tutelage our mothers give to us. The responsibility of a mother is now assumed by several other females in society. Such as aunts, sisters, teachers and friends. Devoteeswe will like to recognize these women and say thank you for your compassion, solicitude, love and kindness. We urge you to stand firm by your responsibility and use the moral reasoning of divinity and practicality to continue to influence our children and society today.

Another perspective can be drawn from the Theory of Feminism. Feminist writers sought to abolish the myths “where women were seen as the inferior being to men. I’m sure you will agree with me in saying that presently this has been redefined. For yes it is true! Today I believe that we can also reflect on the women who have shattered the “glass ceiling” and assume the unthinkable roleof leadersin society.

For instance, Vijaya Lakshmi — the first woman (and first Indian) president of the United Nations General Assembly. What about Captain PremMathur — the first woman pilot in India.

Now let me bring you back to home, what about our very own first Female Prime Minister Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar. Our First Female President Ms. Paula Mae Weeks. Yes, devotees if anything, certainly one thing is consistent with all these women. They are the “FIRST.”I believe that these female figures in society also play an essential role in nurturing and mentoring our young children as well. As such, in my view they deserve the title of “MOTHER.”

I believe it is with persistence, dedication, divinity and morality we can continue to evolve as a society and Mother’s Day is truly an exceptional occasion to celebrate these characteristics and highlight the role of all women in society.

Thank You. Sita Ram.

Kelvin Seeharack.