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SWAHA News and Views

Father! Take charge of your family

Expressions such as ‘father of dharma’, ‘father of the nation’, ‘father- figure’ and other such titles of premier standing are an acknowledgement of the weighted responsibility and dependence with which fathers have been entrusted . The very popular Sanskrit sayings ‘Maatri Devo Bhavah’(Mother is God) and ‘Pitri Devo Bhavah’ (Father is God)ascribe parents the task of providing their children with the experiences that virtually sculpt their thoughts, hopes, aspirations and ideologies as they take their place as citizens of their society.

The famous Chanakya Maharaj characterises mother and father in the following analogy: Satyam Maataa, Pitaa Gyaanam’: ‘Mother is truth; Father is knowledge’. Mothers imbibe the spirit of virtuous, moral and spiritual enhancement in their children. In addition, she can be described as the ultimate in sacrifice, love and patient caring. The role of the father in the upbringing of a child is just as vital. He is representative of wisdom that is manifest in his courage, grit, determination and fearlessness, all symbols of strength, power, inspiration and accomplishment. Such qualities are crucial to the development of stable, balanced and confident individuals.

Yes, indeed, the total picture of the young personality can only be fully enhanced and balanced by the presence of this towering storehouse of ‘gyaan’. Through this wisdom, the father should be the one to provide experiences for his children that would develop in them qualities of endurance, courage, valour and fortitude which are like the wheels of the chariot of life. Also, fathers’ example of discretion, strength, self-control and benevolence would encourage children to learn to equip themselves with the driving force necessary to face their world. Of course, the relentless bow of wisdom , the ‘gyaan of pitaaji’, is that sharp weapon that never fails its target and which ensures victory in over every challenge, societal or otherwise. Is this not the sure recipe for success in life?

Sad to say, however, this is not the case in many homes today where the absent or negligent fathers have a negative impact on the lives of their children. Young boys, bereft of the father-image are deprived of opportunities to develop these assets in their lives. Unable to buckle up and withstand the piercing arrows of life’s challenges, they sometimes find that courage and strength in heroes outside of the home and their choice, quite often, is not one who sincerely seeks their welfare. The result we know only too well as we read the newspapers daily.

At this time when tribute is paid to you fathers, it may be necessary to remind you that your role in the home is of equal importance as that of the mother. Take charge of your families. Follow the examples of fathers such as Kings Janak and Dasrath who ensured that their children acquire the skills necessary for life. Take your role seriously as you influence your off-springs along the path of dharma. Be honest and straightforward with them. Use every opportunity to provide the right guidance to them. Raise them with care and set the right examples. Practise the lofty examples you teach. Bedeck them with the armour of virtues and as they mature, they will ride out courageously on the chariot of righteousness to face the world of challenges. In the end, they will be worthwhile citizens as well as lift your name in pride as they progress to unsurpassed heights of success.