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Religious and Spiritual

Worship of Lord Ganesh

Ganesh VisarjanWhy is durva (doob) grass used in Ganesh worship?
According to Shri Ganapati Atharvasheersh, it is said that a devotee who worships Bhagavan Ganesh with blades of durva will become as Kubera, the God of wealth. This implies that affluence and achievement, both spiritual and material are the fruits of the worship of God in this form. Among His many names, Bhagavan Ganesh is also known as champion of worldly achievements.
In addition, durva is known for its medical properties of a cooling and healing balm. It also maintains its freshness over lengthened periods of time, even in the absence of soil or water. Also, when planted, this grass is known to spread its roots quickly, increasing the area over which it extends. This symbolizes the longevity and steady growth in wealth that comes with sincere worship of Bhagavan Ganesh.
Why is Bhagavan Ganesh referred to as the Lord of Obstacles?
The names Vighneshwar or Vighnaraaj, refer to the Lord of Obstacles who bestows upon His devotees the necessary qualities for freeing themselves from the shackles of challenges, difficulties and problems of different kinds. The name Vighnaraaj – king of obstacles, implies that Bhagavan not only causes the removal of obstacles, but he also places obstacles as tests on one’s path, affording one the opportunity to develop and apply vivek (discrimination), thereby enabling the spiritual development of the devotee.