Hindu non-profit organisation

Religious and Spiritual

The Message of Raam Leela

One of the most cherished Hindu cultural treasures inherited from our ancestors is the art form of Raam Leela or the drama portrayal of the Ramayaan story. For these purvaj (ancestors), this text, especially the version written by Goswami Tulsidasji , sustained them. The solution to any problem, all the hardships of indentureship and the travails of this new environment, could be found within the pages of Shri Raamcharitramanas. Indeed, Raam Leela was born out of this overwhelming love for Shri Raam and the Raamaayana.

Shri Raam is the central character in Raam Leela and anyone who participates in or even looks at this highly-skilled art form is instantly drawn to the eternal story of the Lord. There is an instant connection, one that ensures that we will all return year after year to be part of this wonderful celebration. The lessons that figure prominently during Raam Leela are not exclusive to any particular race, class, gender or religious persuasion. Rather, they are life lessons that are meant for all mankind. Whether the lessons are mouthed from the character portraying Shri Raam or from the negativities expressed by the limited human personality, Raavan, there is no doubt that the medium of Raam Leela is an effective tool in effecting positive change in the lives of all.

Shri Raam Himself, ‘Maryaadaa Purushottam’, stands for justice and morality. During the various stage portrayals, the Lord is always projected as being the ever-vigilant, peaceful and just leader. Quite often, He engages in battle with various demons over whom He prevails ultimately. The powerful signal he sends through every scene, each new curtain call or stage battle is very clear. Through this medium of Raam Leela we are taught that we need to overcome the real enemies that dwell within us. These enemies, which take the form of lust, anger, hatred, greed, ego, etc., are like thieves that run rampant in the night. Through the medium of Raam Leela, we are encouraged to look within and begin to correct our own deficiencies as we continue our journey towards God-Realisation.

Indeed, the innovation of Raam Leela continues to attract huge crowds at venues across the land. Without a doubt, such a medium of presenting the valuable lessons of life is quite effective. The message of Shri Raam is one that will always exist and the profound positive influence that this text has on the lives of all is unquestionable.