Hindu non-profit organisation

Social and Cultural

Shri Ram – The first authentic leader

Authentic is the new buzz word in the field of leadership with the old molds of leadership being broken. No longer is leadership seen as a position, but rather as characteristics of a person that allows others to freely grant leadership onto them. Through the building of our inner power and living life by principle and purpose we are able to inspire others to greatness while at the same time receiving the admiration and trust of others.

Authentic leadership says that a person is truly a leader when he can connect to the real self. In Sanatan Dharma we know that real self and true identity to be the “Chit” or consciousness within each and every one of us. Once we can connect to and awaken that consciousness then we are able to reflect our true selves onto the world and serve as a beacon of hope for humanity. There are many examples of luminaries who have inspired self and social awareness in others and truly ignited the human spirit on a global scale. One such individual is the world renowned Mahatma Gandhi who was able to crumble an entire empire by simply living life by the principle “Ahimsa Paraho Dharma” as reflected in his “Satyagraha” movement. He was able to conquer the British and the mindset of the Indian society through the conquering of his own weaknesses in order to live a life of principle and purpose. Locally, the Shankaracharya of Swaha, His Holiness Pt. Hari Prasad was such a man who worked tirelessly until his last days on this earth to shed hope and goodwill amongst the citizens of this country and even internationally. These are but two examples of authentic leaders in contemporary history.

Who was the first authentic leader in history? That glorious title belongs to Madiyada Purushotam Prabhu Shri Ram. His life is a testimony to the impact of principle-centered living and leadership on a country, its institutions and its people. Throughout his life Shri Ram displayed a great sense of humanity and care for society, especially for the oppressed and downtrodden, example Sabari Mata who was an outcast. Barriers,inter alia, class, caste and position gave way to the love in the heart of a person. Such actions by the Lord Shri Ram place him amongst the pantheon of authentic leaders.

The crowning glory of the life of Shri Ram as an authentic leader was seen when he was coronated as Raja Ram. Under his leadership Ramraj began, a perfect utopian state where there was no greed, need, aggression, hunger, sickness and poverty. Such an ideal state is reflective of the leadership of the Lord Shri Ram, since principled leadership has a trickle-down effect.

As we continue to strive for an ideal Trinidad and Tobago, let us draw our inspiration and lessons from the life of Prabhu Shri Ram. We have been given the principles of Satyam (truthfulness), Saucham (cleanliness), Daya (compassion) and Daanam (charity) which should guide all our actions on a daily basis and drive us to higher levels of principle consciousness. As we continue to live and grow a principle-centered life our leadership will grow and just like Shri Ram, we will be able to guide and inspire others while truly illuminating the human condition.