Hindu non-profit organisation

Social and Cultural

A mother’s love


One day a single mother was engaging in her usual daily routine when she decided to attend to her garden in the backyard. At that same time she had the fire lighting on the chulha, warming the pot of milk for her baby son. While outside she heard a commotion to the front of her house with persons screaming- ” fire fire !”

On hearing this she ran through the back door only to see it was her home on fire.

While she was attending to her garden, apparently one of the fire wood fell onto the floor igniting the carpet and unto the curtains then the roof. Seeing this, she fought back the blinding and choking smoke to fetch her son who was asleep on the hammock.

“Beta ! Beta ! My child !” She screamed ! Fighting all the gathered neighbours around who tried to hold her back. She ran in and saw him still asleep. When she bent to pick him up however, one of the rafters became dislodged and fell right upon her face. She was left scarred.

Many years later, the same son began attending school. However he was not performing well and eventually the mother was sent for. When he brought home the letter to his mother, she felt embarassed and reluctant for the secret that she kept from her son maybe revealed. In this anxiety and anticipation to meet the principal, she proceeded to attend the meeting along with her son. However, along with being a non performer, he was not a nice son to his mother. He told her to walk ahead as he seemed ashamed of her poor tattered clothing with her rubber slippers and bent gait.

Upon arrival, the boy went to play with his friends but extreme curiosity took over. He wanted to know what the principal had to tell his mother. He proceeded to the back door and began eavesdropping. It was actually the same time the principal asked the mother what is the reason in her opinion could be the son”s reason for not performing and being a menace at school.

She bent her head and in a sad soft voice began re telling the incident when she lost her house in the fire. She said ” I may not be the best mother for I work very hard to provide for my child. I may not eat at times but I make sure my child has a meal every time he says he”s hungry. I make sure he is well fed, always has clean clothes and anything that he wants. But despite all this he seems ashamed of me for the scar that I was left with the day of the fire. He would never want to go out with me. He never wants his friends see me. But this scar is a testament to the love I have for him. I wish I can give him more but what I lack materially I know, in my heart, make up for in love.

Hearing this as her son was eavesdropping, began to feel terribly ashamed and in that same moment he kicked open the door with tears in his eyes, ran and jumped unto the lap of his mother and kissed her right on the side where she bore the scar- ” i love you mama!”They embraced. She said this is all I ever wanted my son, for you to love me. From that day on, that scar was his reminder for all that she endured despite their poverty. The mother truly felt what a son”s love was and to her son, no one ever took that special place he put his mother, in his heart.

 Pt. Vasistha Persad